Allowing requests from other domains


You've built a fully-functional API with API Tools and hosted it on your domain, e.g.,

Now let's assume you developed a widget in JavaScript that fetches data from your API, and you would like to use it in different websites, located on different domains.

Every single request will fail. Why? How can you fix this?

The problem

Making a request from one domain to a different domain is protected by the same-origin policy (RFC 6454).

The policy is quite simple: this browser compares the combination of protocol/schema, host, and port from both the client and the server. If there's an exact match, it passes. If a single element differs, it fails.

The solution

To relax those restrictions, you need to implement Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (aka CORS). This standard adds two headers:

  • Origin for requests
  • Access-Control-Allow-Origin (ACAO) for responses

Every modern browser supports these headers, and emits the Origin header for any cross-origin requests.


The website hosts your widget. When it makes a request in JavaScript to your API, the Origin header contains this website's fully qualified domain name (FQDN):

GET /api/foo HTTP/1.1

If you want this request to succeed, your API needs to send back an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in its response, as follows:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

How-To: ZfrCors

While you can potentially manage this on your own, a module already exists that allows setting and configuring the various CORS headers: ZfrCors.


To install ZfrCors, run the following composer command:

$ composer require "zfr/zfr-cors:1.*"

Alternately, manually add the following to your composer.json, in the require section:

"require": {
    "zfr/zfr-cors": "1.*"

And then run composer update to ensure the module is installed. (Don't remove any existing entries under the require section!)

Finally, add the module name to your project's config/application.config.php under the modules key:

return [
    /* ... */
    'modules' => [
        /* ... */
    /* ... */


First copy the file vendor/zfr/zfr-cors/config/ to config/autoload/ (Note the removal of the .dist extension.)

To carry on with our example, let's adapt the ZfrCors module configuration file as follows:

return [
    'zfr_cors' => [
          * Set the list of allowed origins domain with protocol.
         'allowed_origins' => [''],

          * Set the list of HTTP verbs.
         'allowed_methods' => ['GET', 'OPTIONS'],

          * Set the list of headers. This is returned in the preflight request to indicate
          * which HTTP headers can be used when making the actual request
         'allowed_headers' => ['Authorization', 'Content-Type'],

          * Set the max age of the preflight request in seconds. A non-zero max age means
          * that the preflight will be cached during this amount of time
         // 'max_age' => 120,

          * Set the list of exposed headers. This is a whitelist that authorize the browser
          * to access to some headers using the getResponseHeader() JavaScript method. Please
          * note that this feature is buggy and some browsers do not implement it correctly
         // 'exposed_headers' => [],

          * Standard CORS requests do not send or set any cookies by default. For this to work,
          * the client must set the XMLHttpRequest's "withCredentials" property to "true". For
          * this to work, you must set this option to true so that the server can serve
          * the proper response header.
         // 'allowed_credentials' => false,

A couple of notes

  • allowed_methods : we just allowed the GET and OPTIONS verbs. GET only permits "READ" operations. OPTIONS should always be kept in this array, as it's mandatory for certain browsers. If you want to allow other operations, make sure they are listed here.
  • allowed_headers : we added Authorization for OAuth2 requests, for example. You may also want to add Accept and Content-Type.

See the ZfrCors GitHub page for further information and configuration.

Images in the documentation, and the API Tools Admin UI itself, still refer to Apigility. This is due to the fact that we only recently transitioned the project to its new home in the Laminas API Tools. Rest assured that the functionality remains the same.